Lemonade from Lemons

new city moving header

Broken down copiers? Burnt out light blubs? We all have annoying problems that come up in our offices. But a building falling on your building? Well, that gives you reason to complain!

One of our clients, New City Moving, actually had a neighboring building collapse on their space (thankfully at night, when no one was there) and destroy what was an amazing corporate office. Undaunted by this setback, NCM commissioned Medium Rare to create a Chicago skyline mural for their renovated space. Mimicking an existing “Chicago flag” mural in their office, we created a new installation with the same color scheme and linework style to cover a wall on the opposite side of the space.

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ncm destruction 1
Printed and installed by the maestros at In Sight Sign Company, the mural reinforced the Chicago-centric nature of the business and enlivens the office space.
ncm chicago
ncm mural
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