medium rare

Detroit Rocks

As natives of Chicago, pizza is in our blood (perhaps a bit too much, according to our physicians). Plus, we work with some of the best pizza joints in the city. But one hidden delicacy in the Midwest we’ve come to love is “Detroit-style pizza,” a deep-dish cousin with a crispy, crunchy, cheesy crust. We’ve been using our sourdough to make the base, which creates a dense, crewy crust. Detroit-style is cooked in a rectangular metal pan, and has cheese that goes to the edge (usually Wisconsin Brick cheese). As the cheese melts, it oozes down edges of the metal pan, caramelizing on the outside of the pizza. Pepperoni is the traditional topping, but you can make any variety you want. Just don’t make it TOOO often — your doctor will thank you.

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